Beautiful Designer Jewelry by OROGEM

Back in time, jewellery was considered a symbol of status and was worn mainly by the upper strata of society. Designers of those eras only use gold or silver to fashion any form of jewellery and beautify them using stones like diamonds or gemstones. 


 However, with changing times, the jewellery world has been revolutionised and many jewellery designers have started experimenting with other metals like bronze, platinum, copper, etc. to fashion the jewellery of this time. The aim of this revolution is to allow all women to enjoy the benefit of intricately carved metal to magnify and enhance their beauty.
 Designer Earpins are part of this revolution. As ear jewellery is one of the frequently bought jewellery in the world, designers mainly focus their innovation on them. There are various categories of earrings, like hoops, studs, tassels, ear crawlers, etc. which are available in different metals and prices. The designer often combines two designs to create a new hybrid of earrings. It uses colours to make them look more vibrant.

One should not confuse designer earpins, with the mass produce earring in the market that often has the aesthetic but lacks uniqueness. As a part of the high-end collection, the mark of a true designer earpin lies in its expert craftsmanship, use of rare but expensive materials, and exquisite designs. They are not mass-produced and are valued for their uniqueness and fetch a handsome price for a single piece.


There is no denying the fact that most of these designs are often copied by the commercial market and is sold with the designer earpins name-tag. It might not be that good but if one likes to wear designer items of jewellery but has limited resources, and then these copies can be their answer.


Designer jewellery is trending these days so much that there are many outlets opening every day in even the smallest of markets. Not only these, but to reach the maximum population, most designers have launched their collection online and have made them available to be bought from various online stores. Many celebrities are seen endorsing these designer jewellery and often tweets about loving their uniqueness. 



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